Kitty Foster Parents Needed!

If you live in or near Waxhaw, NC and would like to be a kitty foster parent, contact Terry for more information. She always has a list of kitties waiting to be rescued and having a few foster moms and dads would really help. Fostering can be a very rewarding experience for a family or an individual. You will get to enjoy the company of a lovely kitty for awhile, and you will be helping to save a kitty’s life!

Warning! If you are a first time kitty foster parent you will fall in love with your foster kitty and it will be very difficult to part with the kitty when he or she is adopted. You just have to remember that you have played a very important part in helping the kitty to have a good life, and that there is another kitty waiting to be rescued that also needs you.

I’ll be adding more information about our fostering requirements so keep checking back, and in the meantime you can contact Terry if you are interested in becoming a kitty foster parent.

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